Salmon-Wildlife Linkages

We seek to understand the direct and indirect impacts of pacific salmon on terrestrial ecosystems. This is becoming increasingly important as fisheries management shifts from a focus on managing salmon alone, to considering the impacts of management decisions on whole ecosystems. To keep up to date with our field activities in Alaska, visit our Ecology Alaska Blog.

Relevant Publications

Levi, T., Darimont, C.T., McDuffee, M., Mangel, M., Paquet, P.C. & Wilmers, C.C. 2012. Using grizzly bears to assess harvest-ecosystem tradeoffs in salmon fisheries. PLoS Biology 10. (PDF)

Darimont, C.T., Bryan, H.M., Carlson, S.M., Hocking, M.D., MacDuffee, M., Paquet, P.C., Price, M.H.H., Reimchen, T.E., Reynolds, J.D. & Wilmers, C.C. 2010. Salmon for terrestrial protected areas. Conservation Letters 3: 379-389. (PDF)