Jan 24, 2013 | Bay Area, Media Coverage, Science Magazines
Here’s a great all around article about wolves by Liza Gross, just appearing in QUEST, which draws on some of our research in Yellowstone and Alaska. Though Ecology 101 tells us that healthy ecosystems need top predators, researchers are just beginning to...
Aug 19, 2005 | Media Coverage, Science Magazines
From Conservation Magazine, a story about our PLoS Biology article documenting the influence of wolves on scavengers as the climate changes. Wolves and other top predators may help other species cope with climate change. Milder winters in Yellowstone National Park...
Dec 5, 2003 | Media Coverage, National Geographic
From National Geographic, a nice article about our recent work on the effects of gray wolves on scavengers in Yellowstone NP. Amid controversy, gray wolves (Canis lupus) were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995. Now, new studies are hinting at the added...