Nov 16, 2012 | Bay Area, Media Coverage, NPR, Radio
From KUSP, another nice NPR piece about our sea otter research. Clink on the play button below to listen....
Aug 25, 2012 | Bay Area, Media Coverage
From the Santa Cruz Sentinel/San Jose Mercury News, a nice article on 16m’s penchant for crossing roads. Not sure where they got the name Atlas from, but so it goes. By the way, that large scare he has in the photo above on his rump – we think he got hit...
Jun 2, 2011 | Bay Area, Media Coverage, NPR, Radio
From Crosscurrents on NPR, I love this radio piece about our puma project. Pay close attention to my toothbrush quote! Although they live all around us, encounters with lions are unusual because there just...
Jan 12, 2009 | Bay Area, Media Coverage, NPR, Radio
From NPR, an excellent radio spot about our puma project. The online version has a bonus video to accompany...
Jan 11, 2009 | Bay Area, Media Coverage
From the San Francisco Chronicle, a Sunday front page article on our recently launched puma project. The tired, sweaty trackers scrambled up a steep, muddy slope in a remote canyon in the Santa Cruz Mountains to the towering madrone tree where the hounds were barking....