Jul 24, 2017 | Science Magazines
A great article by Liza Gross at Smithsonian magazine on how fear of humans ripples through food webs – inspired by our recent paper. In reality, neither the frogs nor the man were real; both were audio recordings. The big cat, a six-year-old male named 66M, was...
Jul 24, 2017 | Bay Area, Media Coverage, Science Magazines
More on our puma fearing people paper from Peter Fimrite at the SF Chronicle and Paul Rogers at the San Jose Mercury news.“People allude to this idea all the time — that mountain lions are more afraid of us than we are of them. But science has never shown that...
Mar 5, 2015 | Radio, Science Magazines
Justine’s recent paper in the Proceedings of Royal Society B received quite a bit of attention from the press. Reports about it appeared in Science, Nature, BBC and the Naked Scientists among others. Here’s snippet from Nature Female pumas that live near...
Oct 8, 2014 | Media Coverage, Science Magazines
Science coverage or our – wait for it – article in Science. With all the “coverage”, does any read the original article? A sleek cheetah races with legs outstretched, leaping with a great burst of energy to bring down a fast-moving antelope....
Oct 8, 2014 | Media Coverage, Science Magazines
Another nice article on our recent Science paper. This one in the LA Times. It’s not easy being a lean, mean killing machine. Whether a fleet-footed cheetah or a lie-in-wait puma, a hunting feline’s survival balances on the point between how much energy they...
Jun 26, 2013 | Science Magazines
This press release from Ecology nicely summarizes our recent Ecology paper in a forum discussing the fate of Yellowstone’s migratory elk. “I think Middleton has an intriguing idea, and it might be what’s happening. We offer another hypothesis that also fits the...