Sea Otters v. Climate Change
Another great NPR video on our Sea Otter - Climate change work... When people talk about sea otters, the words “cute,” “cuddly,” and “curious” often come to mind. But now you can add another descriptor to that list — climate...

Mountain lion who roamed downtown Santa Cruz killed on Highway 17
Santa Cruz' famous downtown mountain lion was struck and killed while crossing Highway 17 early Thursday morning near Vine Hill Road. The lion's body was given to UC Santa Cruz researchers, who helped capture the wayward puma in June and fitted it with a tracking...

Road Kill or Road Crossing: California Slow to Protect Wildlife
An NPR Quest radio piece about road crossings affecting our study animals. Listen below.

Science on the SPOT: Chasing Pumas
Great NPR video documentary on our mountain lion - habitat fragmentation study

Childhood curiosity led to puma project
SF Chronicle profile piece. The image above is a flyer for a movie inspired by the article which my graduate students will be producing. Professor Chris Wilmers waggled the head of the fake deer in the equipment room of his UC Santa Cruz laboratory to demonstrate how...

Cal Academy of Sciences – Local Lions
Apparently this video is playing on the big screen in the Cal Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

Declining fortunes of Yellowstone’s migratory elk
This press release from Ecology nicely summarizes our recent Ecology paper in a forum discussing the fate of Yellowstone's migratory elk. “I think Middleton has an intriguing idea, and it might be what’s happening. We offer another hypothesis that also fits the data...

Could an Alaska mining project jeopardize Earth’s largest bald eagle gathering?
High Country News article about our lab's work in Alaska. ... By late morning, eagles are all around us. "Look at that eagle party across the way," says Taal Levi, a wildlife ecologist with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, whose tales of this ecological mother...

Urban drifter: Mountain lion visits Santa Cruz
It was a crazy day. A mountain lion made its way into downtown Santa Cruz, and we got a call from the police to come help them and the CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife anesthetize the cat and move it to safety. Lots of coverage on this one. Read about it in the...

Top Cats: How Pumas and Other Apex Predators’ Populations Affect The Big Biodiversity Picture
Here's a great article by Liza Gross in KQED's Quest. It ties our recent puma work nicely together with other work on predator effects on ecosystem function. ... These “top down” trophic cascades, which the ecologists dubbed “trophic downgrading,” have been...