The Rise of the Tick
Outside Magazine has a nice story on Lyme disease ecology in which they discuss some of the results of our recent PNAS paper. Some species may even be able to control tick numbers and infection prevalence not by killing the ticks but by killing their favorite hosts....

Cougars in the mood stay far from humans
From the San Francisco Chronicle, a nice article on our recent PLOS ONE publication. Mountain lions, the most fearsome predators in California, lurk closer to suburbia when they are stalking prey or searching out new territory, but the cagey cats steer clear of...

Mountain lion just miles from downtown San Jose photographed by automatic camera
Sometimes I am amazed at how easily mountain lions make it into the news! Here's a story in the San Jose Merc about a lion caught on camera at UC's Blue Oak Reserve in the Hamilton range... The lion photographed weighs more than 100 pounds. Wilmers said it is a male...

Fear and Loathing in Wolf Country
Here's a great all around article about wolves by Liza Gross, just appearing in QUEST, which draws on some of our research in Yellowstone and Alaska. Though Ecology 101 tells us that healthy ecosystems need top predators, researchers are just beginning to understand...

Study: Otters eating urchins reduces greenhouse gas
From KTOO in Juneau Alaska, a public radio piece about our sea otter research with an Alaskan twist. Clink on the play button below to listen. http://www.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/04OtterFolo.mp3

UCSC biologist: Sea otters could help fight climate change
From the San Jose Mercury News and Santa Cruz Sentinel, an interesting article relating our recent otter/carbon paper to California's new carbon emission trading program. Designated by the California Air Resources Board, carbon offset credits qualify as environmental...

Webinar on sea otter impacts on ecosystem carbon
I gave a webinar on our work on sea otters and ecosystem carbon through the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy yesterday. Check it out below...

Otters’ Effect on Kelp Offers Clues to Predators’ Link to CO2
From KUSP, another nice NPR piece about our sea otter research. Clink on the play button below to listen. http://audio1.cruzio.com/kusp/pod/news/121116otters.mp3

Why the Beaver Should Thank the Wolf
From the NY Times, a great op-ed piece connecting our work on sea otters with wolves and elk in Yellowstone! Couldn't be more perfect. Notice the little Sea Otter poking his head out of the reads below the elk. Scientists call this sequence of impacts down the food...

Otters and Climate Change
From NPR - Living on Earth a nice radio piece on our recent sea otter article. Just press on the play button below to listen. http://www.loe.org/content/2012-09-14/sea-otters.mp3